πŸ“’ Invitation to the National Retreat: “Faith in Action: Pursuing God’s Righteousness” πŸ™

We are thrilled to invite you to our upcoming National Retreat, themed “Faith in Action: Pursuing God’s Righteousness.” This spiritually enriching event will take place from September 13-15 at Manila Church.

Join us as we dive deep into Romans 9-16, exploring how our faith can be put into action as we pursue the righteousness that comes from God. This retreat aims to deepen your understanding of practical faith and to inspire you to live out your calling with renewed purpose and passion.

Whether you have been studying Romans 1-8 or are new to the teachings, this retreat offers a chance to grow, reflect, and connect with fellow believers from across the Philippines.

What to Expect:

  • In-depth Bible studies and teachings
  • Time for prayer, worship, and reflection
  • Fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ
  • Encouragement to live out your faith in tangible ways

We challenge each of you to bring at least three people who have been studying Romans 1-8, as we aim to raise more leaders and deepen our collective walk with God.

Date: September 13-15, 2024
Location: Manila Church

Don’t miss this opportunity to strengthen your faith and be part of a transformative experience!

Register now and prepare your heart for a weekend of spiritual renewal.

In Christ,

Newcomer’s Sharing and Reflection

“It is actually my first time to listen to this kind of message, and it makes me realize the true meaning of my life,” a new Bible student reflected. “I was contemplating while listening to the lecture, now that I am a college nursing student who aspires to be a doctor, what should I do when I achieve that goal? But the signals plainly taught me that I should dream of God’s dream in whatever I do.”Β 

Another Bible student shared, “When God’s love is removed from our hearts, we will seek other things. And our hearts will be transformed into lust for the things that would only satisfy us temporarily. However, we were made to receive and share God’s love; therefore, the relationship should be a two-way street.”