2023 Easter Retreat: “Death Has Been Defeated: He Is Risen”

From John 13, in which Jesus washed the disciples’ feet. This is an example of Jesus Christ serving His disciples until the Cross, which demonstrates and teaches us to serve one another. Everyone can serve others if we don’t think too highly of ourselves. The Word of God that has been given to us will come to life if we ourselves put it into practice.

The members were divided into groups of two to four people each, for a total of seven groups. During the prayer time, members shared deeply their meditations and reflections from the 40-day walk on the path of the Cross, as well as the Easter retreat itself. Each one was moved by their sharing of their experiences, and some related to one another and shared the encouragement from God’s Word relating to the Gospel of John from chapters 13 to 15.

A minister shared, “It’s refreshing and feels good to truly pray for one another from the heart so that we can better understand one another and how we can pray for one another. During this time of prayer, I came to understand what the members are going through, which we are often unaware of.”

Every Bible lecture brings the Lord’s love and mercy to His people by taking up the path of the cross, which everyone despises. In His final moments, however, Jesus Christ expressed His profound love through His word. Knowing that He will soon take up the path of death, Christ’s love overflows through serving His people until the last breath that He has by giving the world, so that everyone should overcome the world because He Himself freed us from being captives of this world. And, just as the Son glorifies the Father through His love on the cross, we as followers of Christ should glorify the Father by taking up our cross and serving God and His people.

The day’s lectures were followed by small group sharing, which allows all participants, especially newcomers, to reflect on and meditate on God’s Word.

A member shared, “I realized through the lectures that the suffering that we are currently experiencing cannot compare to the cross that Jesus took. All that we went through was just a flash in the pan because Jesus Christ already triumphed, anshould continue to praise God for the atoning sacrifice He made for me. I learned and desired to be always joyful whenever I faced difficulties and trials on the path of faith, and I loved the path of the cross that I was taking.”

During the Easter Retreat, the attendants enjoyed a graceful outdoor fellowship, as they were encouraged that God has given them His goodness through nature. Everyone was grateful for what God has provided through the beautiful mountain and seas.

Newcomer’s Sharing and Reflection

“It is actually my first time to listen to this kind of message, and it makes me realize the true meaning of my life,” a new Bible student reflected. “I was contemplating while listening to the lecture, now that I am a college nursing student who aspires to be a doctor, what should I do when I achieve that goal? But the signals plainly taught me that I should dream of God’s dream in whatever I do.” 

Another Bible student shared, “When God’s love is removed from our hearts, we will seek other things. And our hearts will be transformed into lust for the things that would only satisfy us temporarily. However, we were made to receive and share God’s love; therefore, the relationship should be a two-way street.”