2023 Pentecost Retreat “You will be My Witness to the Ends of the Earth”

Kingdom of God is portrayed through Luke and how he was closely tied to Paul as his beloved. He explained that it was formed and written precisely and neatly, stating that Jesus had given His followers instructions to go to Galilee to preach the Gospel and spread God’s Word across the world. This gives all the Lord’s disciples and apostles hope and courage to deliver the Good News to humanity.

“Spreading the Word of God is not about imposing beliefs on others but rather about offering guidance, support, and love,”

Reflections and Meditations

“It says that the Jewish people did not accept the gentiles, but then when Paul came and shared the gospel, he told the gentiles that they should be accepted,” a member reflected. “Sometimes our faith tells us that we should not accept individuals because of their shortcomings, but then I learned that we should accept them because Christ does. It is also necessary to commit ourselves to the Lord and not to the world.”

Another member stated, “We must strive for salvation in our lives, and repentance is essential. When the apostles’ pain is transformed into faith by the Holy Spirit, they become humble and unite with Christ. As a result, as followers of Christ, it is critical that we become one with God, not idolizing anything but giving honor to God alone.”

Newcomer’s Sharing and Reflection

“It is actually my first time to listen to this kind of message, and it makes me realize the true meaning of my life,” a new Bible student reflected. “I was contemplating while listening to the lecture, now that I am a college nursing student who aspires to be a doctor, what should I do when I achieve that goal? But the signals plainly taught me that I should dream of God’s dream in whatever I do.” 

Another Bible student shared, “When God’s love is removed from our hearts, we will seek other things. And our hearts will be transformed into lust for the things that would only satisfy us temporarily. However, we were made to receive and share God’s love; therefore, the relationship should be a two-way street.”