2024 Easter Retreat “Cross of Christ”

Philippine Easter Retreat, participants left with hearts ablaze with the transformative message of the Cross of Christ. Under the theme of the Cross,The passage of John 21:15-25, which encapsulated the essence of Jesus’ sacrificial love and the call to discipleship.

Throughout the retreat, attendees were immersed in profound reflections on the significance of the Cross and its enduring impact on their lives as believers. From examining Jesus’ final moments on the cross to exploring the implications of His resurrection, the retreat provided a rich tapestry of insights into the depth of God’s love and the power of redemption.

The encounter between Jesus and Peter by the seashore, where Jesus reaffirmed Peter’s love and commission to feed His sheep. Drawing parallels to the sacrificial love displayed on the Cross, she emphasized the call to sacrificially love and serve others as an expression of discipleship.

“Through His death on the Cross, Jesus demonstrated the depth of His love for us,” “As His followers, we are called to embody that same sacrificial love in our relationships and in our service to others.”

The passage from John 21 served as a poignant reminder of Jesus’ commission to His disciples to continue His work of spreading the gospel and making disciples of all nations. Embrace their call to discipleship wholeheartedly, recognizing the privilege and responsibility of sharing the message of the Cross with the world.

Newcomer’s Sharing and Reflection

“It is actually my first time to listen to this kind of message, and it makes me realize the true meaning of my life,” a new Bible student reflected. “I was contemplating while listening to the lecture, now that I am a college nursing student who aspires to be a doctor, what should I do when I achieve that goal? But the signals plainly taught me that I should dream of God’s dream in whatever I do.” 

Another Bible student shared, “When God’s love is removed from our hearts, we will seek other things. And our hearts will be transformed into lust for the things that would only satisfy us temporarily. However, we were made to receive and share God’s love; therefore, the relationship should be a two-way street.”